Annual Meeting 2025
Slate of Candidates
Atonement will hold its Annual Meeting on Sun., Jan. 26 following a combined service at 10 a.m. Father Charles and the vestry will report on the status of the parish and look forward to 2025. All members in good standing may vote for vestry and delegates at the Annual Meeting.
The Nominations Committee has released the slate of candidates for warden, vestry, and diocesan convention delegates.
Candidate for Warden (2-year term)

Charles Bonilla (he/him) has been a member of Church of the Atonement for 12 years, regularly attending the 8:00 service. A pledging member, Charles has actively participated in various guilds, including Finance, Stewardship, and Parish Life. Drawing on his professional coordination and organizational skills, he seeks to provide thoughtful leadership and help navigate both ongoing and future challenges for the parish. Charles values the worship and community life at Atonement and is dedicated to its continued growth and vitality.
Candidates for Vestry (3-year term)

Evie Aadland Coe (she/her) has been a member of Church of the Atonement for five years, attending both the 9:00 and 11:00 services. She has actively contributed to the parish through her involvement in EfM, the St Cecilia Choir, and the Altar Guild, among other activities. As a former rector search committee member, Evie has a deep understanding of the parish’s needs and priorities. She brings expertise in writing, editing, graphic design, and communication, and she is committed to serving the church during this critical time of planning for its future.
Charlaine Reynolds (she/her) has been a member of Church of the Atonement for two years and attends the 8:00 service. She brings 25 years of professional and volunteer non-profit experience, with expertise in organizational management, fundraising, and social services, particularly for older adults. Charlaine is eager to contribute her skills and community-centric perspective to the vision and mission of the church, with a special interest in Outreach and Parish Life.
Alex Wyman (he/him) has been a member of Church of the Atonement for six years and attends the 9:00 service. A lifelong Episcopalian, Alex brings over 20 years of teaching experience and a passion for building community. Fluent in Spanish and familiar with Latin American culture, Alex is eager to help Atonement extend its welcome to Spanish-speaking individuals and families. As a parent raising a child in the Episcopal tradition, Alex is committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive parish life.
Candidate for Vestry (1-year term, remainder of Charles Bonilla’s term)

Dr Glen Gabert (he/him) has been a member of Church of the Atonement for one and a half years, regularly attending the 11:00 service. A seasoned academic leader and former community college president, Glen has extensive experience in strategic planning, development, and managing large facilities. He and his husband, Gregory, are inspired by the sense of community at Atonement. Glen is eager to contribute his expertise to the parish’s leadership and mission.
Candidates for Convention Delegate

Richard Benson (he/him) has been a member of Church of the Atonement for seven years, attending the 11:00 service. He has actively contributed to the parish through his leadership in Parish Life, Buildings and Property, and the Green Team. During his first term as a convention delegate in 2024, Richard played a key role in drafting and passing a resolution for Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. A skilled coalition builder and public speaker, Richard is eager to continue his work in diocesan creation care and engage with the upcoming diocesan visioning task force.
Dennis Pattey-Warner (he/him) has been a member of Church of the Atonement for 40 years. He attends the 11:00 Solemn High Mass and regularly serves at the altar. Dennis is a member of the Parish Life Guild, and served as a convention delegate last year for the first time. He feels the Spirit is leading him to continue in this ministry for another year.
Elizabeth Swanson (they/she) has been a member of Church of the Atonement since 2021 and attends the 11:00 Solemn High Mass. An experienced theater director, administrator, and teacher, Elizabeth has previously represented nonprofit organizations at the regional level. Her involvement in Atonement includes serving as a regular acolyte and a member of the 2022–2023 Search Committee. Elizabeth looks forward to learning more about the church’s polity and Atonement’s role within the Diocese of Chicago.
Candidate for Convention Delegate (Alternate)

Jennifer Ash’s (she/her) friend and neighbor, Jerry Mash, invited her to attend Mass with him at Atonement, and she has been attending Mass each Sunday at Atonement ever since. She had never before encountered a church community so welcoming, so accepting and so inclusive and is so grateful that she has found her “spiritual home” here. She is currently a lector and intercessor, an officiant at Morning Prayer, a member of the committee for Adult Formation, and an enthusiastic member of Q&A.