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Outreach at Atonement


Outreach at the Church of the Atonement flows out of our liturgy as a means of putting into practice what we experience in worship. This results in a wide variety of activities to fit the commitments and passions of the parish. Our goal is not only to support those who benefit from our actions. We also hope that the individuals who participate in these activities experience a deepening faith, a growing sense of community, and the joy of laboring in God’s kingdom.  


A leadership team provides oversight and direction to outreach programming. More than just planning and coordination, this group regularly reviews the effectiveness of programs and evaluates the viability and sustainability of new projects. As a result, programing evolves to meet the changing needs our world and parish.


There are three areas of involvement—our local community, national concerns, and international needs. This provides a structure for understanding what we do, as well as offers individuals an understanding of how they can purse their own personal commitments and interests.  


Activities are planned in a way that everyone can be involved. So, whether you want to develop a deeper understanding of an issue, make a donation to a project, or provide services to those in need there is a place for you.


To learn more about outreach, contact us.

Church of the Atonement

5749 N. Kenmore Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60660


For pastoral emergencies, call 773-271-2727 x.1003


©2018–2024, Church of the Atonement, Chicago. All rights reserved.

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