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Parish Forums

We invite you to explore our shared faith through Parish Forums throughout the year. On Sundays at 10 a.m. we meet in the Elizabethan Room.

Feb. 16: Saints in Politics: Jimmy Carter and Alexei Navalny


Through the work of the Carter Center, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter devoted their post-presidential career to advancing the kingdom of God around the world by peacemaking, protecting human rights, and fighting disease. Navalny, the bravest and most determined opponent of Vladimir Putin, endured persecution and finally martyrdom (one year ago today) in his bid to end corruption and create a better life for the Russian people. Comparing these two very different but equally faithful lives, Barbara Newman will ask how public life can look when we “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.”

Facilitator: Barbara Newman

Feb. 23: How do we as Christians respond to the state of the nation?


Father Charles, Mother Anne, and Miguel Díaz will offer reflections on what is happening in American public life, on how we might respond in public and in our daily lives, what practical measures might be appropriate for us to take, and how we might deal spiritually and emotionally with the divisiveness in our society. After they have spoken individually and in response to each other, the floor will be open for group discussion. This event will be held in Montgomery Hall. 


Facilitators: Father Charles Everson, Mother Anne Wrider & Miguel Díaz  Image designed by Freepik

Mar. 2: Readings for Lent

Since the days of Saint Gregory the Great, reading has been linked with prayer and meditation as an important spiritual exercise. One could fill several shelves with books of readings for the season of Lent, but which of those books might be particularly valuable for Lenten reading? Day-by-day meditations, or sermons, or meditations on art, or thematically relevant poetry?  In this forum we will look at and discuss some of the options. And at the end there will be a book give-away. 

Church of the Atonement

5749 N. Kenmore Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60660


For pastoral emergencies, call 773-271-2727 x.1003


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