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Annual Campaign 2024


There is Room at the Table.

With your pledge of financial support, we come to the Table and share God’s love with each other and the world through our worship, faith formation, pastoral care, parish life, and outreach. We feed those currently at the table in our parish and invite others to join us.

As you pray about what you will pledge in support of Atonement’s ministries for 2024, we encourage you to meditate on your own experience of God’s generous love.

Worship is the central purpose when we gather at our Table, whether it is on Sunday mornings or throughout the week. It is through inspiration, contemplation, and interactions with others that we develop a faith community that feeds our spiritual needs and the world around us. 

The look of our community changes and thrives because of the unique gifts of time, talent, and treasure which each person brings to the Table.

Your commitment to sustaining and expanding our faith formation—Sunday school, parish forums, and small group discussions—converts the gospel into action. These learning opportunities provide us with the tools to translate our centuries-old traditions into caring for the modern world. 

When we stay at the Table, we can change lives through a growing faith and deeper understanding of God.

We care for the pastoral needs of the Atonement family, visiting those who are homebound or in the hospital and assuring those in need that they are in our hearts and prayers. We gather through shared meals, our celebrations of joy and sorrow, and the telling and listening to our stories. 

The time we spend giving of ourselves and setting a welcoming Table touches others in ways that we may never know.

The church’s relationships exist through the interpersonal relationships, but we unite to live out God’s command to love one another by committing to help a troubled world. We reach beyond our walls with ministries that support the marginalized—refugees, the hungry, and those in need.

When others are invited to our Table, they see God’s love through your actions and financial support.


The 2024 Stewardship Campaign concludes on Nov. 19 when we will celebrate the ingathering of pledges at all three Masses. Until then, you are invited to reflect on these four questions:

  • What does Room at the Table look like to you? 

  • What can you do to welcome others to the Table?

  • Who will you invite to the Table? 

  • Why do you stay at the Table? 

Church of the Atonement

5749 N. Kenmore Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60660


For pastoral emergencies, call 773-271-2727 x.1003


©2018–2024, Church of the Atonement, Chicago. All rights reserved.

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