Weekly Prayer List
During the week of Nov. 24, 2024, we pray for the healing and comfort of those for whom we now offer our prayers.
For the sick, for those in any need or trouble, and for all those who have asked for our prayers: Hattie, Camille, Rick, Jeff, Alfredo, Elizabeth, Tikon, Charles, Br Donovan Aidan BSG, Br Mark Andrew BSG, Kitty, Steven W., Allison, John, Steve, Jeff, Gregory, George and Rodney, Blanco, Torrey, Jonathan, Devon, Killian, Dennis, Becky, former President Carter, Kellie, Gregory and Jeanine, Dee Dee, Mark, Curt, Robert, Tony, all who mourn, especially Derrick and family;; for Ken deacon; Jon, Elizabeth, Thomas and Greg, priests.
For an end to war, division, violence, and injustice, especially in the Middle East, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Haiti, Ukraine, Russia, Myanmar, Sudan, and Darfur and for justice, peace, and for an end to violence and discord in our city and nation.
For all healthcare workers, especially Joseph Basil, Jackie, Gary, Will, Choy, Erica K., Larry, Ciaran, Lee, Kari, William, Eric, Lisa, Thomas, and Emily; for all families and children in this city and state; for all expectant parents; and for all prisoners.
For members of our military services on active duty, especially Celeste and Nate, and for Scott serving as security in Iraq.
For Sean, our presiding bishop; Paula, our bishop; Charles our rector; Amanda and Dave our wardens; and for the members of our vestry; and for our companion parishes in Chiapas, Mexico—San Benito and San Mateo Apostól.
For those celebrating birthdays this week: Evie Aadland Coe, Pauline Sachar, Cate Schmittle, and Larry Lesperance.
For those celebrating anniversaries this week: Ken & Kathy Cooper.
The repose of those who have died this week: Irene Witherington and Brother Laurence OHC.
For the repose of the souls on the anniversary of their death: Charles Flusky, Arbra Davis, James Robert Trapp, Linda Frisch, Florence Penfold, Ruth Louise Chastain Carter, Sandra Ann O'Brien, and Ruth Mash.
A Prayer for Peace
Let us pray for peace in this last week of our liturgical year; we pray for peace in our world, especially throughout the Middle East and in Ukraine; may wars be silenced; may divisions become new ground to discover the dignity of all humanity; and may hope be born on the earth. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
May these and all our intercessions be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.