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Weekly Prayer List

During the week of July 14, 2024, we pray for the healing and comfort of those for whom we now offer our prayers.


For the sick, for those in any need or trouble, and for all those who have asked for our prayers: Ellen, Steve, Rob L., Cheryl, Sean, Jonathan, Devon, Killian, Dennis, Mark, former President Carter, all with COVID-19, Kellie, Ryan B., Kathy S., Miller, Jason, Harry, Tyler, Cecelia, Ron E., William, Sr; Jim, Bill,  Andrea, Norma Jean, Karen, Janice, John, Curt, all who mourn, especially Father Matthew and family; for those critically wounded at the Trump assassination attempt in Pennsylvania; for Ken, deacon; Elizabeth, David, Thomas & Greg, priests.

For an end to war and violence, remembering especially the people of Ukraine, Russia, Iran, the Red Sea, Myanmar, and Yemen; for justice and for an end to violence and division in our neighborhood, city, and nation.

For all healthcare workers, especially Joseph Basil, Jackie, Gary, Will, Choy, Erica K., Larry, Ciaran, Lee, Kari, William, Eric, Lisa, Thomas, and Emily; for all families and children in this city and state; for all expectant parents; and for all prisoners.

For members of our military services on active duty, especially Celeste and Nate, and for Scott serving as security in Iraq.

For Paula our bishop, Charles our rector, Amanda and Dave our wardens; for the members of our vestry; for our presiding bishop-elect Sean; and for our companion parishes in Chiapas, Mexico—San Benito and San Mateo Apostól.

For those celebrating birthdays this week: George Watson, Charles Bonilla, and Karen Willems.

For those celebrating anniversaries this week: John Perryman & Marissa Baker.

The repose of those who have died.

For the repose of the souls on the anniversary of their death: James Edward Hartung, Charmaine Webb, Carl Rice, Jackie Forshee, Peter Jensen, and R Donald Waltz.

A Prayer for Peace


Almighty God our heavenly Father, guide the nations of the world into the way of justice and truth, and establish among them that peace which is the fruit of righteousness, that they may become the kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

May these and all our intercessions be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.

Church of the Atonement

5749 N. Kenmore Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60660


For pastoral emergencies, call 773-271-2727 x.1003


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